Pakistani actor Feroze Khan issued a legal notice against the allegations and social media campaign against him. Among the personalities to whom Feroze Khan sent a legal notice is the big name of showbiz, Sharmeen Obaid, who raised the issue of giving him the Viewers' Choice Award over the issue of the Lux Style Award. The director of Feroze Khan's drama Haas sent a legal notice to Mossadegh Malik, Asim Azhar, Usman Khalid Butt, Ayman Manal Khan, Meera Sethi, Yasir Hussain, Farhan Butt, along with his ex-wife, claiming defamation.
According to Feroze Khan's lawyer, he suffered mental and financial loss due to the social media campaign and accusations against Feroze Khan on social media. Feroze Khan's lawyer says that give your answer within 15 days or apologize, otherwise provide evidence. Because Feroze Khan has suffered a lot due to confrontation on social media. However, there is no FIR nor any legal proof of the allegations made by Alize Sultan against Feroze Khan.
At present, Feroze Khan and his ex-wife have two cases pending in the court, including a case related to the custody of their children and a case related to withdrawal of dowry by Aliza.
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